How Poor Posture Causes Pain

Chiropractors teach proper posture and provide adjustments to improve posture in an effort to avoid back and neck pain and other health issues caused by poor posture. Can slouching while sitting and hunching over a computer cause back pain? Dr.…
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Top 3 Causes of a Herniated Disc

The top three causes of a herniated disc are: 1. Inactivity Throughout the Aging Process Gradual aging can cause discs to become less flexible and prone to tearing or rupturing even with a minor strain or a twist. 2. Trauma…
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5 Ways to Improve Posture

New Africa/ Here are 5 things people can do to improve their posture: 1. Visit a Chiropractor See a chiropractor that specializes in corrective care. 2. Hold Your Devices Properly Better awareness of how you’re holding your phone, laptop, iPad,…
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Maintaining proper posture is critical for overall health and wellness and sports performance. Chiropractors can evaluate posture and recommend specific exercises to improve it. Can you describe what proper posture should look like while standing, sitting, and walking? Dr. Scott…
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Forward Head Posture

Chiropractors can help correct forward head posture which is an abnormal protruding of the head caused by prolonged poor posture. What is forward head posture? Dr. Scott Gardner: Forward head posture is when the person loses the normal curve in…
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Tech Neck

Tech neck is the loss of the normal curve in the neck, causing forward head posture, fatigue and neck pain. Chiropractors can work with patients in a variety of ways to help restore proper posture. Could you please start us…
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Chiropractic for the Athlete

Chiropractors work with athletes to adjust their spine which results in a healthier nervous system, better posture and joint function. When an athlete’s body is functioning at it’s best, they will be stronger and have the ability to perform better.…
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Tips for Good Posture

Learn tips to maintain proper posture while standing, sitting in a desk chair, sleeping and viewing handheld devices. If you want to make sure you have good posture, visit a chiropractor who can evaluate your posture and provide exercises to…
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Top 3 Reasons to Take Your Kids to the Chiropractor

The top 3 reasons parents should get chiropractic care for their children are: Early Detection and Correction: This is the key to help prevent kids from developing problems that potentially they could get later on in adult life. Correct Posture: Chiropractic care…
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