Chiropractic For Sports Recovery

Chiropractic care helps athletes return to their sport faster by reducing tension on the spine and nervous system which allows the body to function at its peak so it can heal and recover. How does chiropractic care aid in an…
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Photo Credit: ginasanders/

Common Aches and Pains Caused by Poor Posture

Poor posture causes excessive strain and stress on muscles in our body which leads to painful conditions. The most common aches and pains caused by poor posture are: Neck pain Upper back pain Low back pain Headaches Shoulder pain Carpal…
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Goals for Acute and Wellness Care Plans

megaflopp/ Chiropractic care plans vary from patient to patient and condition to condition. Each care plan is uniquely tailored to the individual and the conditions they are presenting with. Every care plan has a goal of reducing or correcting subluxations…
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Acute and Wellness Chiropractic Care

Chiropractors help people whether they are in pain or are seeking to optimize their health and body function. Acute chiropractic care treats immediate discomfort whereas wellness chiropractic care proactively adjusts the spine to promote overall wellness. Could you please explain…
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Top 3 Reasons Pregnant Women Receive Chiropractic Care

Jordi Mora Igual/ The top 3 reasons pregnant women receive chiropractic care are the following: 1. Find Relief From Back and Hip Discomfort Chiropractors can help reduce pain and improve function in pregnant women by removing subluxations in the spine…
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The Benefits of Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy helps to improve posture and overall body function by strengthening weakened muscles needed to support good posture and healthy spinal alignment. What is physiotherapy and how is it different than physical therapy? Dr. Scott Gardner Physiotherapy and physical therapy…
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5 Keys to Living a Pain-Free Life

Here are the top five key components to living a pain-free life: 1. Exercise We encourage our patients to exercise a minimum of three times a week, for a minimum of 20 minutes each time. You should be doing a…
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Tips for Pain-Free Living

If you strive for pain-free living there are some basic tips you should follow such as exercising and stretching on a regular basis, eating a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy nervous system. Can exercising and stretching on a regular…
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What Causes Pinched Nerves?

Pinched nerves can occur throughout the body and can be painful and irritating. A chiropractor can help identify the cause of the nerve irritation, get the bones back in alignment, and remove the pressure on the nerves. When people say…
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Dispelling the Myths About Chiropractic

There are myths about chiropractic care that it is unsafe, expensive and only for adults among other falsehoods. It is important to dispel these myths with facts about the effectiveness, the benefits to overall health for the entire family and…
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