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Common Aches and Pains Caused by Poor Posture

Poor posture causes excessive strain and stress on muscles in our body which leads to painful conditions. The most common aches and pains caused by poor posture are: Neck pain Upper back pain Low back pain Headaches Shoulder pain Carpal…
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Chiropractors Help Restore Normal Joint Function

Atstock Productions/ Chiropractors can help people rehab their joints from a dysfunctional state into a normal functioning state if the subluxation is at the root cause of why the joint is in the state of dysfunction in the first place.…
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Improve Joint Dysfunction for a More Active Lifestyle

Chiropractors can help improve joint dysfunction through chiropractic adjustments that get the spine moving properly and restore proper nerve function so the body can function better. What types of joint dysfunction affect the most people? Dr. Ben Rauch: There’s a…
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Typical Chiropractic Treatment Plan for Frozen Shoulder

New Africa/ As a chiropractor our primary focus is detecting, analyzing and correcting vertebral subluxations. Addressing the root cause, we look to restore the function in the areas where the patient has the complaints. If the subluxation is affecting the…
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Chiropractic for Frozen Shoulder

People suffering from frozen shoulder can find relief in chiropractic care. Chiropractors remove subluxations in the spine which helps restore range of motion and proper joint function. What is frozen shoulder and what causes it? Dr. Ben Rauch: Frozen shoulder…
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Understanding Joint Dysfunction

Joint dysfunction causes pain, swelling and in some cases, loss of motion in the joint. Chiropractors can help identify the cause of the joint pain and provide treatments and exercises to rehabilitate the joints to relieve the pain. What are the most…
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Chiropractic Adjustments Restore Healthy Body Function

Vertebral subluxation is at the root of all, or nearly all, conditions that people suffer from every day. As chiropractors, we treat only one condition, and that is vertebral subluxation. Vertebral subluxation can cause headaches, allergies, neck pain, shoulder pain,…
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A Game Plan for Treating Frozen Shoulder

Every person is different, so it is very important to do an initial evaluation and take X-rays. Once we have a clear understanding of the shoulder issue, we then formulate a game plan for treatment that includes the following: Adjustments…
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Chiropractors Can Treat Joint Dysfunction

Chiropractic care can help someone experiencing joint dysfunction by restoring normal mobility and normal health of that joint. The main causes of joint dysfunction are overuse or repetitive use or repetitive motion syndrome. Typical symptoms would include some type of…
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