5 Ways to Improve Posture

New Africa/Bigstock.com Here are 5 things people can do to improve their posture: 1. Visit a Chiropractor See a chiropractor that specializes in corrective care. 2. Hold Your Devices Properly Better awareness of how you’re holding your phone, laptop, iPad,…
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Retrain Postural Muscles with Physiotherapy

TheCorgi/Bigstock.com The most common use of physiotherapy in our practice is to retrain postural muscles. Postural muscles need to be strengthened as we are restoring normal spinal alignment with corrective chiropractic care. Our corrective chiropractic care consists of specific chiropractic…
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The Benefits of Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy helps to improve posture and overall body function by strengthening weakened muscles needed to support good posture and healthy spinal alignment. What is physiotherapy and how is it different than physical therapy? Dr. Scott Gardner Physiotherapy and physical therapy…
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3 Ways to Improve Spine Health

The best things that people can do to improve their spine health are: First and most importantly is to find a chiropractor that works on correcting vertebral subluxations. Work on posture everyday by practicing good sitting positions and good sleeping…
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Show Your Spine Some Love

Having a healthy spine will make your body function better and improve your overall health and wellness. It is important to practice good posture and see a chiropractor to get your spinal alignment checked and adjusted. Self-care has been a…
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5 Tips for a Healthy Spine

Rido81/Bigstock.com The 5 most important tips you should follow to keep your spine healthy are: Focus on your posture especially where you spend most of your time. Sleeping posture and work posture would be the two places to start with.…
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Keeping Your Spine Healthy

Keeping your spine healthy is important for your overall health and wellness. Maintaining proper posture and exercising will help keep your spine healthy but chiropractors are able to evaluate your spine and correct any misalignments you may not know you…
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The Top 3 Benefits of Good Posture

The 3 biggest benefits of maintaining good posture throughout the day are: Decreased Pain. Good posture helps reduce headaches and decreases neck, back and shoulder pain. Increased Energy and Production. Maintaining proper posture will reduce fatigue and give you more…
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The Importance of Good Posture

Maintaining good posture has many positive effects on our overall health including increased energy, better balance, fewer aches and pains and a healthier nervous system. How does a healthy spine and good posture improve your overall health? Well, we have…
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