Forward Head Posture

Chiropractors can help correct forward head posture which is an abnormal protruding of the head caused by prolonged poor posture. What is forward head posture? Dr. Scott Gardner: Forward head posture is when the person loses the normal curve in…
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Risks for Developing Tech Neck

Lipik/ With the amount of time that we spend using technology nowadays, we are all at risk for developing tech neck. The more time you spend doing the following activities in poor posture, the more at risk you are for…
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Tech Neck

Tech neck is the loss of the normal curve in the neck, causing forward head posture, fatigue and neck pain. Chiropractors can work with patients in a variety of ways to help restore proper posture. Could you please start us…
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Chiropractic Treatment Plan for Repetitive Motion Injuries

Dai Yim/ The 5 most common repetitive motion injuries that chiropractors can help with are: Tech neck or forward head posture Chronic low back pain Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Tennis elbow Tendonitis Each one of these injuries is different. Our chiropractic…
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The Importance of Good Posture

Maintaining good posture has many positive effects on our overall health including increased energy, better balance, fewer aches and pains and a healthier nervous system. How does a healthy spine and good posture improve your overall health? Well, we have…
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Top 3 Repetitive Stress Injuries

With a repetitive stress condition, the pain usually comes on without a specific incident, gradually over time. The patient will typically just wake up one day and notice that something just doesn’t feel right. The top three repetitive stress injuries…
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Pediatric Chiropractic

Pediatric chiropractic care helps children of all ages from infants to student athletes. Chiropractors check and make sure the spine is in alignment without any nerve interference to ensure proper growth and development. In what ways do infants and toddlers…
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Workplace Ergonomics

Maintaining proper posture while at work is critical to preventing neck and back pain and other repetitive motion injuries. Workplace ergonomics is the process of creating workstations that support healthy, functioning body positions while working. Could you start by describing…
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Tech Neck Injuries on the Rise

The most common injury we see in our practice is tech neck or what we also call forward head posture. Proper workstation setup and maintaining proper posture can greatly help reduce the incidence of tech neck. One of the things…
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Physiotherapy at Gardner Family Chiropractic

At Gardner Family Chiropractic, physiotherapy is used to help correct neck and back posture. It incorporates stretching and strengthening exercises for the neck and back which helps improve range of motion and ensure proper posture. What is physiotherapy and are…
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