How Poor Posture Causes Pain

Chiropractors teach proper posture and provide adjustments to improve posture in an effort to avoid back and neck pain and other health issues caused by poor posture. Can slouching while sitting and hunching over a computer cause back pain? Dr.…
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Forward Head Posture

Chiropractors can help correct forward head posture which is an abnormal protruding of the head caused by prolonged poor posture. What is forward head posture? Dr. Scott Gardner: Forward head posture is when the person loses the normal curve in…
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Risks for Developing Tech Neck

Lipik/ With the amount of time that we spend using technology nowadays, we are all at risk for developing tech neck. The more time you spend doing the following activities in poor posture, the more at risk you are for…
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Tech Neck

Tech neck is the loss of the normal curve in the neck, causing forward head posture, fatigue and neck pain. Chiropractors can work with patients in a variety of ways to help restore proper posture. Could you please start us…
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Chiropractic Treatment Plan for Repetitive Motion Injuries

Dai Yim/ The 5 most common repetitive motion injuries that chiropractors can help with are: Tech neck or forward head posture Chronic low back pain Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Tennis elbow Tendonitis Each one of these injuries is different. Our chiropractic…
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Repetitive Motion Injuries

Chiropractors can help with repetitive motion injuries such as tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome by identifying the injury, and by correcting the body mechanics, posture and muscle imbalances occurring during the activity. What type of injuries do you consider…
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Do You Suffer From Tech Neck?

You could be suffering from tech neck if you have bad posture and have neck pain or upper back pain. A chiropractor can evaluate you, help you correct the issue and recommend ways to improve your posture. Could you please…
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Ergonomics for Work & Learning

Creating an ergonomically correct workstation or desk for work or learning is important for our overall health and critical to avoiding muscle strains, forward head posture, joint pain and other issues. Could you start by describing what the term ergonomics…
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