Chiropractic Care for Repetitive Motion Injuries

Chiropractors help people prevent repetitive motion injuries and also help treat them when they occur. Chiropractors can remove interferences in the nervous system which allows the body to function at it’s best and also heal and recover faster. What type…
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Goals for Acute and Wellness Care Plans

megaflopp/ Chiropractic care plans vary from patient to patient and condition to condition. Each care plan is uniquely tailored to the individual and the conditions they are presenting with. Every care plan has a goal of reducing or correcting subluxations…
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Acute and Wellness Chiropractic Care

Chiropractors help people whether they are in pain or are seeking to optimize their health and body function. Acute chiropractic care treats immediate discomfort whereas wellness chiropractic care proactively adjusts the spine to promote overall wellness. Could you please explain…
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The Benefits of Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy helps to improve posture and overall body function by strengthening weakened muscles needed to support good posture and healthy spinal alignment. What is physiotherapy and how is it different than physical therapy? Dr. Scott Gardner Physiotherapy and physical therapy…
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5 Keys to Living a Pain-Free Life

Here are the top five key components to living a pain-free life: 1. Exercise We encourage our patients to exercise a minimum of three times a week, for a minimum of 20 minutes each time. You should be doing a…
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Tips for Pain-Free Living

If you strive for pain-free living there are some basic tips you should follow such as exercising and stretching on a regular basis, eating a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy nervous system. Can exercising and stretching on a regular…
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5 Benefits of Maintaining Good Flexibility

Five benefits of good flexibility are: 1. Less Pain – Lack of flexibility can contribute to back and neck pain and muscle pain. Increasing your flexibility by regularly stretching can help alleviate pain. 2. Greater Strength – It’s easier to…
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The Top 3 Benefits of Good Posture

The 3 biggest benefits of maintaining good posture throughout the day are: Decreased Pain. Good posture helps reduce headaches and decreases neck, back and shoulder pain. Increased Energy and Production. Maintaining proper posture will reduce fatigue and give you more…
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The Importance of Good Posture

Maintaining good posture has many positive effects on our overall health including increased energy, better balance, fewer aches and pains and a healthier nervous system. How does a healthy spine and good posture improve your overall health? Well, we have…
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6 Strategies to Alleviate Headaches

Our strategies for alleviating headaches are: Have a chiropractic evaluation to determine if subluxation is at the root of the headaches. Focus on posture building exercises and proper workstation setup. Drink plenty of water, which is half of your body…
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