Retrain Postural Muscles with Physiotherapy

TheCorgi/ The most common use of physiotherapy in our practice is to retrain postural muscles. Postural muscles need to be strengthened as we are restoring normal spinal alignment with corrective chiropractic care. Our corrective chiropractic care consists of specific chiropractic…
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The Benefits of Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy helps to improve posture and overall body function by strengthening weakened muscles needed to support good posture and healthy spinal alignment. What is physiotherapy and how is it different than physical therapy? Dr. Scott Gardner Physiotherapy and physical therapy…
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Physiotherapy at Gardner Family Chiropractic

At Gardner Family Chiropractic, physiotherapy is used to help correct neck and back posture. It incorporates stretching and strengthening exercises for the neck and back which helps improve range of motion and ensure proper posture. What is physiotherapy and are…
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