Nutrition Affects Joint Health

A healthy diet with foods rich in nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and dark green leafy vegetables will help reduce joint inflammation and improve your joint health. Which nutrient is the most important for joint health, and why? Dr. Scott…
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Understanding Joint Dysfunction

Joint dysfunction causes pain, swelling and in some cases, loss of motion in the joint. Chiropractors can help identify the cause of the joint pain and provide treatments and exercises to rehabilitate the joints to relieve the pain. What are the most…
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Can Chiropractic Help My Knee Pain?

Chiropractors will thoroughly evaluate knee pain to find the source of the pain or injury and help alleviate the pain using chiropractic treatments and exercises. Why should knee pain not be ignored even if it seems to be minor? Dr.…
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Chiropractors Can Treat Joint Dysfunction

Chiropractic care can help someone experiencing joint dysfunction by restoring normal mobility and normal health of that joint. The main causes of joint dysfunction are overuse or repetitive use or repetitive motion syndrome. Typical symptoms would include some type of…
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Joint Dysfunction

Chiropractors treat joint pain and joint dysfunction by adjusting the joints to release pressure off the nerves and by creating specific exercise and stretching programs to help restore full range of motion in the joints. What are the most common…
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Ways to Treat Knee Pain Without Medication

We determine the best way to treat knee pain in a very similar way that an orthopedist would. We will do a series of orthopedic tests to evaluate where the pain is originating, and we may take an X-Ray or…
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Knee Pain Relief Without Meds

Chiropractors can help relieve knee pain naturally by adjusting the joint to increase the range of motion and by providing strengthening and stretching exercises. Could you categorize the different types of knee pain that people experience? Dr. Scott Gardner: Yes.…
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