Pediatric Chiropractic Care

Children of all ages can benefit from gentle chiropractic care in many ways. Chiropractors can remove interferences in the nervous system to allow children’s bodies to optimally function, grow and develop. At what age can parents bring infants for a…
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5 Ways to Improve Posture

New Africa/ Here are 5 things people can do to improve their posture: 1. Visit a Chiropractor See a chiropractor that specializes in corrective care. 2. Hold Your Devices Properly Better awareness of how you’re holding your phone, laptop, iPad,…
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Maintaining proper posture is critical for overall health and wellness and sports performance. Chiropractors can evaluate posture and recommend specific exercises to improve it. Can you describe what proper posture should look like while standing, sitting, and walking? Dr. Scott…
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How Chiropractors Diagnose and Treat Forward Head Posture

Pheelings Media S.L./ Chiropractors can diagnose and treat forward head posture. Step one is to perform a thorough chiropractic evaluation consisting of a detailed history, and then a visual posture evaluation. If we find the presence of forward head posture,…
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Forward Head Posture

Chiropractors can help correct forward head posture which is an abnormal protruding of the head caused by prolonged poor posture. What is forward head posture? Dr. Scott Gardner: Forward head posture is when the person loses the normal curve in…
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Risks for Developing Tech Neck

Lipik/ With the amount of time that we spend using technology nowadays, we are all at risk for developing tech neck. The more time you spend doing the following activities in poor posture, the more at risk you are for…
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Tech Neck

Tech neck is the loss of the normal curve in the neck, causing forward head posture, fatigue and neck pain. Chiropractors can work with patients in a variety of ways to help restore proper posture. Could you please start us…
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Chiropractic for Kids

Chiropractic care can help kids in many ways from infancy through adulthood. Chiropractors can identify misalignments in the spine and correct them while children are still growing, setting them up with a healthy spine for optimal body function. How is…
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Retrain Postural Muscles with Physiotherapy

TheCorgi/ The most common use of physiotherapy in our practice is to retrain postural muscles. Postural muscles need to be strengthened as we are restoring normal spinal alignment with corrective chiropractic care. Our corrective chiropractic care consists of specific chiropractic…
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The Benefits of Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy helps to improve posture and overall body function by strengthening weakened muscles needed to support good posture and healthy spinal alignment. What is physiotherapy and how is it different than physical therapy? Dr. Scott Gardner Physiotherapy and physical therapy…
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