Stay Flexible as You Age

As we age, a lack of flexibility can increase the risk of falls and injuries. Maintaining good flexibility and proper posture by performing flexibility and weight bearing exercises can reduce muscle and joint strain and improve balance and coordination. How…
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Top 4 Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Sports Recovery

The top four benefits of seeking chiropractic care for sports recovery are: Improving Circulation Reducing Inflammation Promoting Tissue Repair Restoring Normal Biomechanical Function of the Spine This means that with chiropractic care, athletes can return to training and competition sooner,…
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Chiropractic Care for All Ages

Chiropractors help patients of all ages from newborns to seniors by correcting spinal alignment with the goal of improving overall body function, range of motion, joint function, and quality of life. Most people do not realize that chiropractic care can…
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How Poor Posture Causes Pain

Chiropractors teach proper posture and provide adjustments to improve posture in an effort to avoid back and neck pain and other health issues caused by poor posture. Can slouching while sitting and hunching over a computer cause back pain? Dr.…
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Top 3 Causes of a Herniated Disc

The top three causes of a herniated disc are: 1. Inactivity Throughout the Aging Process Gradual aging can cause discs to become less flexible and prone to tearing or rupturing even with a minor strain or a twist. 2. Trauma…
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Understanding Disc Herniation

Understanding Disc Herniation

Spinal discs may become herniated due to trauma or simply the aging process and can cause serious back pain. What is a spinal disc and what is its purpose? Dr. Scott Gardner: Spinal discs are a cartilaginous material. They have…
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Goals for Acute and Wellness Care Plans

megaflopp/ Chiropractic care plans vary from patient to patient and condition to condition. Each care plan is uniquely tailored to the individual and the conditions they are presenting with. Every care plan has a goal of reducing or correcting subluxations…
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Chiropractic Care Helps Athletes Avoid Injuries

Pavel1401/ Chiropractic care can help benefit athletes and those people looking to live an active lifestyle. Chiropractic adjustments focus on the removal of subluxations in the spine, which leads to proper spinal biomechanics. When active people have better spinal biomechanics…
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